14 May 2011

New magazines ...

I have been off today, or at least as off as you can get in this stage of the process. I had brunch with a good friend and just blabbered away for a while, it was so nice and he is someone who knows me well and don't take it personal when I show up half a sleep with an acing & tired body ...

This week has been heavy as always but especially because my bag got stolen - with my money, camera, notebook and calendar - pretty dodgy timing but it is as if I am too tired to care // it sucks but it could have been worse, but everyone in Copenhagen take care of your bags when biking someone might take them when you are not noticing it ...

I got some magazines at a half decent magazine store here in the land of hot dogs - but for those out there who loves magazines - Copenhagen is a shitty city ! I got the swedish magazine Rodeo and V magazine. I have a meeting with the hairstylist and photographer on monday so I need to research a little bit on what I want ! It should be sexy, strong, filled with attitude - not fake, not too little rather too much - and I am a little bit into the 90'ies esthetics or should we rather go studio 54 soft porn ?

Have a great night folks - and thank god it is raining - that suits my mood today perfectly ...