25 March 2012

nice weekend ...

I am sitting at our dining table eating left over pasta - I have had a spontaneous and not very organized weekend - having tried to avoid to face real life and boring ass stuff - which has worked out well so far - I might get my head around some of it now so I can start my week with positive karma or maybe I'll just leave it ... I got drunk with my lovely man - celebrating good news, danced to Dr Dre - had a disastrous  brunch experience but found it hilarious how incompetent some places are - felt loved - talked with big hearted people in the sun - and felt content and happy ...

It will be my last week at Samsøe starting tomorrow - fun months - I have learned so much in what feels like very short time -  nothing much to say about it - other that it just feels so right and I am getting more and more excited and enthusiastic about what will come next. Starting as an Expres Designer was a head over heal decision - stopping will close doors and open new ones - I cannot wait to see what will happen -  happy times and exciting times will come ... 

- A few glimpse of good moments in the past weeks -