18 February 2012

You might consider following these slogans ...

I seam rather fanatic some time -
I get extremely obsessed when I believe in a cause and for most of my friends and family this is pretty annoying. I met with my family this weekend and again we discussed everything from fair trade - eco friendly - child labour - animal in captivity and well I guess you see where we went ...

Saying that I am fanatic might be a lie - we shop at discount supermarkets and don't have the economy to be fanatic and everything within reason I suppose ... But I do try to behave conscious both when buying clothes and food. I believe that I as a consumer can make a great difference and just by knowing where the things I buy comes from - gives me an understanding of what I am supporting. There is always more sides of this story - and these issues are complex and hard to understand but at least -

I try to buy local - I avoid eating meat everyday - I support my local grocery store - I buy egg from free range hens - I buy ecological base products like milk, flour and yoghurt,  I eat seasonal - I try to learn more about these issues so that I can get wiser on these issues ...