28 February 2012

- Blog Award -

Okey something pretty funny happened a few days ago - I was awarded for this blog award by a sweet friend - remember to check out her blog - for blogs with less than 100 followers - it's smart because you have to pass it on to another five blogs and by doing so you create some attention around each others blog which I guess is nice if you want more followers. I must admit that for me followers on bloglovin are not that important because I never follow any blogs on bloglovin myself - because I can't be bothered to be honest so I will do this slightly differently ...

The rules are as followed: 
1. Mention 5 blogs you like on you blog - preferably less known ones - I guess ...  

2. Award the 5 blogs mentioned - notify them - if you like ...

3. Answer 5 questions ...

- My 5 nominees and why - 


I love the simplicity and the honest sometimes even moody feel of this blog ...


dusty, dreamy and girly without becoming to much - it has an insane amount of pictures of cakes and  delicious coffee cups - I like ...


tactile, clean and inspiring - simply pretty ...

Funny, interesting and sexy - what more can you ask for ?!


If you don't know it - go there - love it - and enjoy every bit of it - I used to keep this one a secret but when they started to post their interviews in english as well I knew that the battle was lost ... 

- 5 Questions - 

1. Why did you start to blog?
I used to keep a diary when I was younger - I like to sort my thoughts by scribbling and sketching some of it down and I think what I do with this blog is pretty much that - It is like a digital scrap book - I also like to write down places I like and exhibitions I have seen because by doing so I think I remember them better - I guess I fill up this place with things that I enjoyed doing and want to share with others so they can explore and try them out as well ...

2. What blogs do you follow?
All sorts of different ones - mostly visual ones - I don't care that much about "what did I wear today" - I follow fashion ones - but mostly on a professional level - I just want to be entertained so reading about coffeeshops and food suits me just fine. Getting advice on new places to see and new cities to travel too is nice as well. I prefer when things are not too personal - at least I don't need to see photos of who is publishing on the blog.  

3. Favourite candy?

Mandelstang and kvikklunch - norwegian chocolate - I love Harribo - the bats and Matador Mix and the liquoirice wheels are the best. 

4. Favourite coffeespot?

Opernespresso in Munich 
Coffeecollective in Copenhagen
Bonanza Coffee in Berlin 
La Cafèoteque in Paris 

5. What cities do you dream of visiting and why?

Istanbul - Marakesch and Tokyo.
When seeing new cities I like to be challenged and pushed in new directions and I think these cities would all be able to do that ... 

Istanbul - Parsley, lamb, interesting smells, colours and sweat ...

Marakesch - Colours, noise, Yves Saint Laurent's house and leather goods ...

Tokyo - lost in translation, confusion,  sushi, kyoto and astonishment ...