12 December 2011

... Stiknord ...

Today has been such a typical monday: grey weather, a little quiet at work, every day feeling in my head, eating left over quiche, listening to dreadful norwegian radio and loving every bit of it - just one of those days that just disappear without leaving any trace ... The doctor took a blood sample today and I am hoping that lack of blood might have caused this gloomy atmosphere in  my head ... 
Will make a nice cup of tea, eat an oreo or two after hitting the showers so I might stop freezing my but off and hey I will disappear into my criminal novel and escape from this monday' ism for a few days :) 

It has been quite a few photo entries the past few weeks - but what the heck - here we go again. 

This is from a blog called STIKNORD created by a few students from Kolding Designschool here in Denmark, as a inspirational moodboard and an attempt to look within our own Scandinavian roots for inspiration. For those of you who have been following this blog for a while and maybe even know me in person, know how happy I get when I fall across pretty packaging, old school symbols and enjoy going down memory lane when it comes to child hood memories ...

This site deserves credit - so check it out at some occasion - and send them an image if you have one you think is appropriate.