08 December 2011

John Lewis Christmas Commercial 2011

I don't care that some might find this cheeasy - drop dead scandinavia we do not take Christmas decoration and the commercial aspect of it seriously - When living in the states I experienced how this can be taken to a whole different level - and in the UK it is the same - give me more great holiday commercials - this is the best I have seen so far this year - John Lewis - you kick ass big time and I really, really  like the concept of this -

by the way if any of you guys are in Copenhagen - try out the Tivoli Russian inspired Christmas Marked - it might not be the best - but it's good / I was thrilled and had a great time there last weekend, I didn't get to visit the wanna be german one on the other side but I will take a closer look at that one thsi weekend and maybe even drop by the one that is said to ne the best in town - Christinania :)

Now lean back and enjoy this :)