03 December 2011

Copenhagen Dico Interlace

If I never ever buy a pair of shoes ever again that would be ok - for the past many many months I have passed different shops where they have the prettiest Copenhagen Dico shoes - Interlace - I have tried them on not less than three times - they are so pretty but they were simply to expensive and buy no means in the world I could afford them - so I even compromised and ordered a pair of really pretty Samsøe Samsøe ones - check the out here. They have not arrived yet and silly me and my man were downtown to check out some christmas gift and in the Samsøe shop downtown they had the Dico shoes which means I get a pretty sweet discount !

Well no more stories - they are mine - no could still not quite afford them but I only live ones and it would be less worth dancing in other shoes than these ... Goodie Goodie saturday - we are off to a pre Christmas dinner with the in laws - and for a walk in tivoli - woop woop - happy days ...