Having a bit of a hangover today - due to a family in law gone wild party last night - we didn't get home that late but not having been drinking for very long - makes this event interfere with my state of body - and it has made my head a wee bit dizzy even though I did not drink especially much - the fact that I did a sweet friend a favor a took his Brunch shift at my old job this saturday and went to another good friend's balcony to have lots of wine later on has made my weekend into a trip down memory lane - the fact that I have almost decided that it's time to leave this city has been taken into consideration and my mind is going mental ...
It helped to see these beautiful photos of Paul's place in New York - photos found at FreundenvonFreunden I didn't like the interview one bit but I loved the photos over the moon and back.
Have a great monday - I will continue this day as if it was sunday - I am a grown up and therefore I for myself decide what day I choose it to be ...