20 June 2011

Paris vs. NYC

I have blogged about this before and it is not a secret that I am madly in love with both Paris and NYC maybe therefore I adore the work of Vahram Muratyan - posted at his blog: Paris vs New York

"Paris vs New York, a tally of two cities.
Un match visuel amical entre ces deux villes, c'est le regard d'un amoureux de Paris sur un New York rempli de détails, de clichés et de contradictions : suivez le guide.
A friendly visual match between two cities told by a lover of Paris wandering through NewYork. Details, clichés, contradictions."
(quoted from the blog)

Just see how pretty they are !

I am off to sit and practice my exam - I need to go through the presentation in front of the mirror at least a dozen times more before my exam on thursday, I am wrapped up in a blanket with a hot cup of the. My head is exhausted - and my body has given up and is aching so bad that my doctor prescribed penicillin today - so now it's official this project needs to end !

// Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed on thursday at 9.00 //